Open Canoe Reviews
Open Canoe Reviews
Open canoes are true adaptions of traditional designs which can date back to 8200BC. Although the designs and materials have changed quite a bit since then (thank god!) the idea still remains. An open top craft, paddled with a single-blade paddle from a kneeling position, it is a truly traditional experience and offers fantastic fun for families or individuals who can carry enough equipment for overnight stays!
If you would like us to test a specific boat or would like advice get in touch with the team - contact us

Pelican 15'5 Canoe
A lightweight and affordable three seat canoe. Great for family use, tandem exploring and fun adventures!
Pelican 15'5 Canoe Review
Enigma Canoes RTI 13 Review
A lightweight solo canoe. Perfect for solo adventures with enough
space for a dog. Nimble to paddle and tracks well. Made in the UK!